The Original Crystal Wand Workshop©

The Original Crystal Wand Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

The Original Crystal Wand Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

The Original Crystal Wand Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

The Original Crystal Wand Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment1

The objective of this Workshop is to add to your knowledge and put you on a path where you have gained a suitable level of awareness with the various types of Crystal Wands to be able to work with them in your Therapies or Readings.

This Workshop came into being nearly 20 years ago because of the questions I had been constantly asked about the Crystal Wands and ‘how they work'. Most of the time I managed to answer these questions by demonstration especially with the Empathy Wands, but then I found I was being asked for ‘more intense' training.

So, this Workshop was designed to introduce you to a completely different way of working with Crystals, through the Wands. 

I hope that you will find it to be an enlightening, enchanting and above all a thought-provoking experience.  There will of course be hands on practical training as well.
The Original Crystal Wand Workshop is open to all.  If you are currently a therapist specialising in Aromatherapy, Reiki or other Holistic treatments, you should find this Workshop of particular interest, especially if you are already working with Crystals.

If you want it to be based more with the Elemental Wands then please ask as I am currently writing a new workshop purely for them.

Either way they will always will be a completely no-nonsense but seriously fun way to spend a day.

Technical Bit

A one-day workshop - theory but mostly practical. 
One to One or maximum of Two. 
Tuesday - Sundays 
Includes Worksheets and any items made.
£120 in advance.
Includes Tea, coffee, water and biscuits. 
Also, a 15% discount on anything you decide you desperately cannot live without bought on the day.

Please Pay here

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If needing to learn to change the way you work with Crystals is something you would like to do - then welcome to my world - your choice. 

Please get in touch if your choice is to change. 

Contact Becci

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